Maintenance Replacement Disposal of Obsolete Equipment

Mission Statement:

The mission of Manatee Technical College is to produce highly skilled individuals and resourceful leaders through collaborative education to meet the ever-changing needs of our communities and the workforce. 

Vision Statement:

The vision of Manatee Technical College is to be recognized as a leader in transforming people’s lives through quality education. 

Manatee Technical College Maintenance / Replacing or Disposing of Obsolete Equipment

Manatee Technical College (MTC) follows the School District’s policies for maintaining equipment, for replacing and/or disposing of obsolete equipment.

The repair and maintenance of instructional equipment, such as smart panels, desktop computers, laptops, printers, and projectors, are managed by reporting any problems through the school district’s online “Help” system or calling the School Board Technology Service Desk. The service desk then routes the request to school-based technology staff with details about the specific problem or challenge.

The repair of program-specific and specialized machinery used for instruction is handled through specialized vendors and/or service contracts and primarily supported by MTC general budget or department allocated funds.

Emergency repairs may need to be expedited through communication with the assistant directors to identify funds for the repair or replacement. Funding for emergency repairs or replacement comes from both internal and school district accounts.
For obsolete equipment and/or equipment that is not economical to repair, the instructor informs their Assistant Director, and a “Request for Property Disposal and Deletion Form” is completed. . The forms are distributed and signed. Once the forms are fully approved, the items are collected during scheduled pickup days and redistributed to other sites, considered surplus or obsolete in which they are auctioned to the public.


Policy Manual


7000 Property








 June 27, 2017

Last Revised

 September 10, 2019



All property shall be acquired through proper purchasing procedures either through the School District or internal funds or through donations from outside sources. All property, however, including vehicular equipment shall be in the name of the School Board and under its full control. All property acquired from sources other than School District funds, such as PTA donations, shall be reported promptly, in accordance with procedures established for property accountability.

Removal of Property

A. Property shall not be taken from any school building or premises for private use. Property may be lent to employees, outside agencies, or organizations only with the prior written approval of the principal or department head.

B. Major property items shall not be exchanged between schools or departments except upon the written approval of division and/or department heads affected. Final approval of the Superintendent is required.

Disposal, Sale, or Exchange

The Board believes that the efficient administration of the District requires disposition of any major tangible personal-property no longer necessary for the educational programs or the operation of the District.

Property which is not suitable for School District use shall be disposed of in accordance with State statutes.

School Memorials and Gifts

A. Persons, civic/professional organizations, student groups, and school faculties who desire to honor someone (active, retired, or deceased) at a school site, shall obtain the approval of the Superintendent and Board.

Such memorials shall solely consist of the erection of a plaque and/or monument in conjunction with the planting of a tree, and/or installation of an environmentally sustainable bench. No memorials to existing school building structures shall be permitted under this specific policy.

Such memorials shall be erected in memory of a person who has been associated with the educational system in the District either as a student or employee.

The total cost of said memorial shall be born by an individual or group.

B. The District shall not accept a gift of art and articles of equipment donated to the schools by individuals, groups, or organizations unless approved by the Superintendent.

The Superintendent, with the assistance of individuals in the community and/or community organizations, if any, shall submit proposed name(s) for school(s) to the Board for final approval. Names for schools shall be considered in accordance with the following procedures:

A. If the school(s) is to be named by its location in the community, the name(s) proposed should be descriptive and of reasonable length.

B. If the school(s) is to be named for an individual, the name(s) proposed should be that of an outstanding civic or educational leader, living or deceased, of local, State, or National prominence and, if living, and also an elected official, shall have left public office for a period of time not less than five (5) years.

C. The name of a new or existing school(s) once adopted by the Board shall not be considered permanent. However, should the Board subsequently initiate, or be called upon to consider, a name change of an existing previously named school(s), then in that event the Board shall allow a period of time of not less than six (6) months from said date for community involvement, deliberation, discussion, and debate, prior to its taking action.


F.S. 287.14
F.S. 287.16
F.S. 1001.42
F.S. 1010.04


Policy Manual


7000 Property








 June 27, 2017

Last Revised

 September 10, 2019


The School Board requires the Superintendent to review the property of the District periodically and to dispose of that material and equipment which is no longer usable in accordance with the terms of this policy.

A. Instructional Material

The District shall review instructional materials (i.e. textbooks, library books, manuals, support materials, etc.) periodically to determine the relevance of such materials to the present world and current instructional programs. The following criteria will be used to review instructional materials for redistribution and possible disposal:

  1. concepts or content that do not support the current goals of the curriculum
  2. information that may not be current
  3. worn beyond salvage

B. Equipment

The District shall inspect the equipment used in the instructional program periodically, to determine the condition and usability of such equipment in the current educational program. Should the equipment be deemed no longer serviceable or usable, the following criteria will be used to determine possible disposal:

  1. repair parts for the equipment no longer readily available
  2. repair records indicate equipment has no usable life remaining
  3. obsolete and/or no longer contributing to the educational program
  4. some potential for sale at a school auction
  5. creates a safety or environmental hazard

C. Disposition

The Superintendent is authorized by the Board to dispose of obsolete instructional and other property by selling it to the highest bidder, by donation to appropriate parties, or by proper waste removal. Disposal of surplus property purchased with Federal funds shall be disposed of in accordance with Federal procedures.

When original or replacement equipment acquired under a Federal award is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal awarding agency, the District shall request disposition instructions from the Federal awarding agency if required by the terms and conditions of the Federal award. Disposition of the equipment will be made in accordance with disposition instructions of the Federal awarding agency.

Except as provided in Section 200.312, Federally-owned and exempt property, paragraph (b), or if the Federal awarding agency fails to provide requested disposition instructions within 120 days, items of equipment with a current per-unit fair-market value in excess of $5,000 may be retained by the non-Federal entity or sold. The Federal awarding agency is entitled to an amount calculated by multiplying the current market value or proceeds from sale by the Federal awarding agency’s percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase. If the equipment is sold, the Federal awarding agency may permit the non-Federal entity to deduct and retain from the Federal share $500 or ten percent (10%) of the proceeds, whichever is less, for its selling and handling expenses.

The District may transfer title to the property to the Federal Government or to an eligible third party provided that, in such cases, the District shall be entitled to compensation for its attributable percentage of the current fair market value of the property.

D. Availability of Facilities and Property Identified as Surplus, Marked for Disposal, or Otherwise Unused

District facilities and property (including tangible personal property) identified as surplus, marked for disposal, or otherwise unused shall be made available to charter schools on the same basis as it is made available to other District schools. A charter school receiving property from the District shall not sell or dispose of such property without the District’s written permission. For an existing District school converting to charter status, no rental or leasing fee for the existing facility or for the property normally inventoried to the conversion school may be charged by the Board to the parents and teachers organizing the charter school. The charter school shall agree to reasonable maintenance provisions in order to maintain the facility in a manner similar to Board standards. Any school, including District and charter schools, receiving District property must maintain such property in good working condition and order, excepting normal wear and tear. District and charter schools who cause damage to District property shall be required to reimburse the District for the cost of replacement.

Revised 10/23/18 Revised 9/10/19
© Neola 2018


Legal F.S. 274.05
F.S. 274.06
F.S. 274.07
F.S. 1012.33
F.S. 1013.28
F.A.C. 69I-73.005 2 C.F.R. 200.312
2 C.F.R. 200.313