Testing Center
Manatee Technical College’s Testing Center administers a variety of assessments to meet the needs of our students and the community. Our Pearson Vue Testing Center, located on the Main Campus, is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Individuals can take certifications for a vast array of professions or work on completing a GED®.
Career and Technical students may be required to take a Basic Skills Assessment within six weeks of admittance to the college. Refer to our student handbook or see a Career Counselor for more information on whether the Basic Skills Assessment is required.
Visitors are not permitted in the testing labs and children may not be unsupervised while on campus. Please arrange for childcare during appointment times.
Payment is made online. Please read all the instructions carefully and verify that all the information you supply is accurate.
Contact MTC Testing Center: mtctestingcenter@manateeschools.net
941.751.7900 x 46123

Administered Assessments
These tests are used to determine a student’s strengths and assist them in successfully completing the requirements for graduation from their program. The cost of the test is payable on the School District of Manatee County’s Revtrak website. Payment takes approximately 24 hours to process. Once payment is verified, a member of the Testing Team will contact the student via email to schedule the exam. The student should keep a copy of the results for their records.
Basic Skills Assessment Exemptions:
- Approved apprenticeship programs
- Active Military
- Shown readiness for public postsecondary education (6A-10.0315, F.A.C) ACT, SAT, PERT. Scores must be on an Official High School Transcript and submitted to a counselor
- An Official College Transcript for an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) level or higher, Bachelors, Masters
- An Official High School transcript for a student who entered 9th grade in a Florida public school in the 2003-2004 school year, or any year thereafter, and earned a Florida standard high school diploma
- An Official Transcript for Version 2014 GED® that indicates a GED diploma was earned.
- An Official Transcript for Version 2014 GED® Tests: Reasoning through Language Arts and Mathematics, where a minimum score of 145 was achieved for each exam.
The Basic Skills Assessment has two major areas: Reading, and Mathematics. All tests are in multiple-choice format.
Testing times vary per student, please plan on 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
If you receive a score that does not meet Basic Skills graduation requirements to be eligible to retake the test, you must…
Wait 90 days from date of test and then register for the test at https://manateeschools.revtrak.net
Schedule 40 Hours of FREE remediation online or on campus at MTCACADEMICSUPPORT@MANATEESCHOOLS.NET
after completion, register for the test at https://manateeschools.revtrak.net
The alternative with no wait time is to register for PERT test at https://manateeschools.revtrak.net
After testing is complete, score reports and remediation information will be emailed within 5 days. Please contact testing if you have not received your score information.
Directions to purchase the Basic Skills Assessment, a retake, or remediation are below:
- Open a web browser, such as Google
- In the search box, type Revtrak Manatee County
- Click on School District of Manatee County: Home. Or click here to go directly to the page: https://manateeschools.revtrak.net/
4. Close the Web Store Window in the upper right-hand corner.
5. Scroll down to the Basic Skills Assessment tile and click.
CASAS GOALS Reading and Math
- CASAS Math GOALS https://www.casas.org/product-overviews/assessments/math-goals
- CASAS Reading GOALS https://www.casas.org/product-overviews/assessments/reading-goals
- CASAS Sample Test: https://www.casas.org/product-overviews/curriculum-management-instruction/sample-test-items
TABE Language Arts
P.E.R.T. Reading and Math
(P.E.R.T.) Study Guide https://college.measuredsuccess.com/mscollege/help_resources/newui/P.E.R.T_Study_Guide.pdf
Apply to Manatee Technical College here: https://www.manateetech.edu/apply-now
Email mtcnursing@manateeschools.net for information and/or a link to a virtual information session. The virtual information session is a required step, watch the information session in its entirety as it contains directions regarding the online payment method used to purchase the exam.
Payment will be made online.
Re-takes can be taken after 2 weeks.
Please, use the link below to sign up for the exam. This exam is non-refundable.
Frequently Asked Questions: https://help.atitesting.com/
ATI Blue Prints: TEAS-Blue Prints
All About the TEAS: All About TEAS
TEAS Prep: https://help.atitesting.com/
TEAS Version 7: https://www.atitesting.com/teas
CASAS measures the basic skills and the English language and literacy skills needed to function effectively at work and in life. The test begins with a 15-minute locator test and then assigns the appropriate level test. There are two components: Reading and Listening. Each test is approximately 1 hour in length. An MTC Student ID number is required to test. Click here for more information on learning English.
Congratulations on taking a step forward to earning your GED®. CASAS is the most widely used competency-based assessment system in the United States designed to assess the relevant real-world basic skills of adult learners. The new Reading and Math Goals Series will effectually determine the functioning levels of individuals and ensure placement into the correct GED-Prep classes. In addition to Reading and Math, Language Arts is also assessed to ensure we provide all opportunities for success.
The test begins with a 15-20-minute locator test and then assigns the appropriate level test.
Session 1: Locator & Math and Locator for Language Arts
Session 2: Locator & Reading and Language Arts
Please plan on spending a few hours at each testing session.
A government-issued ID is required to test.
Testing times are available Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
To Schedule: Visit https://home.pearsonvue.com/fdle and select Manatee Technical College as your testing center.
Manatee Technical College Main Campus
6305 State Road 70 East
Bradenton, FL 34203
To Schedule: Visit GED.com.
To receive information regarding the Dental Entrance exam, please email the MTCDental@manateeschools.net to attend the online Information Session.
The information regarding how to make a payment will be in the virtual information session.
Study Guide: https://college.measuredsuccess.com/mscollege/help_resources/newui/P.E.R.T_Study_Guide.pdf
Payment takes approximately 24 hours to process. Once payment is verified, a member of the Testing Team will contact the student via email to schedule the exam.
About the ParaPro Assessment
The ParaPro Assessment is a general aptitude test for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals that measures your:
- Skills and knowledge in reading, writing and math.
- Ability to apply them when assisting in classroom instruction.
ParaPro Test Content
Computer delivered and administered in English, the ParaPro Assessment measures your knowledge in reading, writing and math. The test takes 2 1/2 hours to complete and has 90 multiple-choice questions:
- Approximately two-thirds focus on basic skills and knowledge.
- The remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom.
- Payment is made online using the Revtrak system. (See below)
- The cost of the ParaPro test is $67.73. $65.00 plus and additional $2.73 service fee.
- Payments made during the regular business day take 24 hours to process. Payments made on Saturday and Sunday will be processed the next business day.
- Once payment is verified, available dates and times are emailed, please reply to the email with your date and time request.
- Once a testing date has been scheduled, a confirmation email will be sent.
- Payment is non-refundable
Directions for Using RevTrak
Directions to purchase the Basic Skills Assessment, a retake, or remediation are below.
- Open a web browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari
- In the search box, type Revtrak Manatee County
- Click on Manatee Technical College
4. Create an account for quick checkout. If an account has been created, log into the Webstore.
5. Click on Manatee Technical College.
6. Scroll down to ParaPro
Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
To Schedule: Visit https://home.pearsonvue.com/ and select Manatee Technical College as your testing center.
Manatee Technical College Main Campus
6305 State Road 70 East
Bradenton, FL 34203
Administered at our Pearson Vue Testing Center.
To Schedule: Visit https://home.pearsonvue.com/fdle and select Manatee Technical College as your testing center.
Manatee Technical College Main Campus
6305 State Road 70 East
Bradenton, FL 34203
Contact Testing Center
941.751.7900 x 46123
6305 State Road 70 East, Bradenton, FL 34203