Manatee Technical College mid-year graduation

(Bradenton, FL—March 12, 2016) Manatee Technical College held its mid-school-year graduation ceremony in Cantrell Hall at 6:00 p.m. on March 11, 2016. The college graduated 85 students who completed one of the Main Campus career certificate programs between November 2015 and February 2016.
“We have met our mission,” said Doug Wagner, director of Manatee Technical College and Adult Career and Technical Education for the School District. “Tonight we are graduating highly skilled and resourceful leaders.”
Lillie Mae Johnson, a graduate of the Medical Administrative Assisting program, gave the invocation and was also one of the graduation speakers. She said, “We have learned the value of integrity, teamwork and reliability.” She is now living her dream at Manatee Memorial Hospital.
Christopher Gambone graduated from the Industrial Technology program a Certified Solidworks Expert. He is one of only 2,510 Solidworks Experts in the world, 19 of which are in Florida.
Dylan Fuson, a graduate from the Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing program, is now working on Monster Trucks and other vehicles in the body shop at Feld Entertainment.
These are just a few of the many success stories that were announced as each instructor spoke personally about each of their graduates.
Board members John Colon and David Miner and Deputy Superintendent Cynthia Saunders attended the ceremony.
The final graduation ceremony is set for June 27, 2016.