We Care Project at MTC Provides Dental Care to School Children

(Bradenton, FL—March 11, 2016) About 20 local school children received dental care through the “We Care” Dental Project at Manatee Technical College East Campus on March 11, 2016. Local dentists joined MTC Dental Assisting students to provide pediatric teeth polishing, fluoride treatments, radiographs, and oral health screenings.
The project is a joint effort of the Manatee Technical College Dental Assisting Technology and Management Program and the Manatee District School Nurses.
“It’s good to give back,” said pediatric dentist Robert Hynton. “I see it as part of our duty.” Hynton and orthodontist Steve Tinsworth were representing the Manatee Dental Society in this volunteer effort.
The “We Care” Dental Project serves school-age children who have limited access to routine dental care. Patients requiring further dental treatment are referred to area dental healthcare providers with follow-up supervision provided by the child’s school nurse
The free event runs two to four times per year depending on funding and volunteer dentist availability. Interested donors, dentists and hygienists may contact program manager Kim Bland at 941.752.8100 x 2110 or blandk@manateeschools.net . The MTC dental assisting program has been providing this service to the community since 2009.
The next clinic is set for May 13. Appointments can be made by contacting school nurse Cheryl Stuart, RN, at 941.751.8165 or stuartc@manateeschools.net.