Manatee Technical College opens weather station | From the East County Observer

The East County school can now track the weather in real time and make weather predictions with the help of a WeatherSTEM station they received for free.
Has the rain ruined your plans because you didn’t know inclement weather was coming?
If you live near Manatee Technical College’s State Road 70 campus, there’s now an app for that.
The East County school Oct. 7 received a weatherSTEM station, which tracks weather in the immediate area in real time by way of a camera, which feeds live footage to the website that accompanies the program —
“We’re trying to make learning about weather kind of fun,” weatherSTEM CEO Edward Mansouri said.
Mansouri hopes students in grades k-12 and MTC students will utilize the curriculum also located on the website.
Lesson plans are available on the site to help teachers craft curriculum that incorporates science, technology, engineering and math as those subjects relate to weather.
“A creative teacher can do so much with these lessons and tools,” Mansouri said.
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