8 students graduate MTC dual-enrollment fire fighter class | From the Bradenton Herald

Six months after finishing high school, eight Manatee County students are well on their way to becoming firefighters in the community.
The Fire Science Academy of Manatee Technical College graduated the dual-enrolled fire fighter class number 6 Saturday at MTC’s Main Campus. The students took Fire Fighter I at MTC as dual-enrolled high school students in the spring semester and Fire Fighter II as adult students during the summer after they graduated from high school.
The eight students are Mateo Bedoya, Brandon Bergman, Mackenzie Bryan, Ryan Chastain, Noah Huffman, William Lehman, Alex Pestka and Logan Savitsky.
The graduates will take their state certification exam on Aug. 17.
“After these students pass the state exam and go on to get their EMT certification, they can expect to make $30,000 to $40,000 a year to start,” academy coordinator Chief Henry Sheffield said.