Goodwill, MTC partnering on technical training | From the Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Recent grants from Goodwill Industries International will enable Goodwill Manasota – in partnership with Manatee Technical College – to expand its local impact.
The Goodwill and MTC plan to present Community College 101, a program designed to provide participants with the preparation and support they need to successfully complete a technical college job-training program.
“The curriculum for Community College 101 offers students the opportunity to explore various career opportunities, learn how to apply and get into college, apply for financial aid and obtain funding to help pay for college, learn how to be a successful college student, receive a guided tour of MTC and get individualized support from Goodwill’s ‘college navigator,'” Goodwill Manasota said.
Those who successfully complete the program can be eligible to apply for funding from Goodwill for ongoing support as well as case management to help them complete their post-secondary education.
“Goodwill Manasota is proud to partner with MTC on this worthy venture, which will help participants to reach higher and achieve more in their careers,” said Bob Rosinsky, president and CEO of Goodwill Manasota. “Our goal is to provide students with the opportunity to gain the valuable skills needed to transition into post-secondary education while learning about careers in fields that interest them, regardless of the barriers they may face.
“We are grateful to MTC for working with us to help students to achieve their career and life goals.”
In 2015, Goodwill’s Job Connection offices helped 1,509 people in Sarasota and Manatee counties.