Manatee Technical College graduates nurses, firefighters in joint ceremony | From the Bradenton Herald

A new batch of civil servants graduated from Manatee Technical College in a joint ceremony for nurses and firefighters at the school’s Bradenton campus on Thursday.

The Practical Nursing Program graduated 11 students in a pinning ceremony.

Graduate Erica Mosley addressed the class.

“I am standing here today feeling tachycardic, tachypneic, diaphoretic and slightly syncopal,” Mosley said. “Fortunately I am surrounded by nursing graduates who not only know what I’m talking about but also more importantly know what to do if I hit the floor!”

Family members and friends of the graduates attended the ceremony and presented each new nurse with a nursing pin.

Now the nursing graduates must pass the national licensing exam to become licensed practical nurses. The pass rate for graduates from the program is 93 percent, and the job placement rate for the nursing program is 98 percent, according to a press release from the college.

Along with the nurses, 20 students graduated from the MTC Fire Science Academy.

Lead fire instructor Chief Bill Kebler praised the class and presented awards with co-instructor, Chief Steve Trompke. Students in the fire class received awards for academics, practical skills and physical agility. Kevin Chancey won the Highest Academic Achievement award. Giovannie Rivera earned the Practical Skills Performance award. The Physical Agility award went to Robert Hinton.

Each student has already passed the the practical portion of the state firefighter certification exams, which is a first for a graduating class from MTC. In order to be hired as firefighters in Florida, applicants must complete the firefighter program and pass the test.

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