Manatee Technical Institute Graduation at a Glance

Manatee Technical Institute graduation at a glance
Graduates: 1,400
Speakers: Robin Chacon-Primous, dental assisting graduate; Annette Franco, legal administrative specialist graduate; and Jessica Arnold, adult education graduate
Shining Moment: Steven Weaver, a heating and air conditioning program grad, sang the national anthem in a deep, confident voice that would have given Trace Adkins goose bumps. MTI Director Mary Cantrell said Weaver has beaten cancer and never let treatments interfere with attending class.
Best quote: “We beat the champs!” — Stephen Richardson of MTI business technology program on beating reigning SkillsUSA champions, Utah Valley State, in chapter business procedures last week at the championships in Kansas City, Mo.
Interesting sight: Sonia Alvarado, Carmen Ochoa, Micaela Falcon, Monica Pacheco, Maria Sanchez and Victor Policarpio and their instructor, Jan Alvarez, made history as part of the first MTI evening class nail techs The students attended the MTI main campus on State Road 70 on Tuesdays and Thursdays and two Saturdays per month. The bilingual class costs roughly $1,000.
Information: 941-751-7900, extension 1025.