MTI Chili Cook-Off to benefit United Way (Herald Tribune)

For its 17th year, the annual Manatee Technical Institute Chili Cook-Off to benefit the United Way will be in a new location.
The event will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at the new MTI campus, 6305 State Road 70 E., Bradenton.
Students from each program will compete against each other to win the best chili designation.
In addition to awards for the chili, students will have the chance to win prizes for their costumes and booth decorations. The theme for this year is “Career Time Travel”; students will dress and decorate to represent their careers from a time past or future.
Tickets are $5 and include chili samples and games. DJ Karissa Messina, a 2010 MTI cosmetology graduate, will provide music. Proceeds benefit the United Way of Manatee County.
For more information, call 751-7900, Ext. 1009.